
Worldwide trading

No matter which port in the world, we strive to get you quality products at the most competitive price possible. We ensure your requested product gets delivered, be it by barge, truck, road tanker or even by pipeline.


We can provide a dedicated broker model for bunker deliveries in Singapore. Depending on your requirements, we can act as either traders or brokers, and remain objective in the bunker value chain for both suppliers and buyers.

Risk Management

We offer an extensive range of financial and risk management instruments to hedge this uncertainty and keep your procurement costs low and manageable. It may sound complicated, but we make things simple so they make sense even to the uninformed.

Vessel Services

If you are looking for any complementary products or suppliers for your vessel, we are more than happy to be of service. Be it Bunker Quantity Surveys (BQS) for delivery by barge or truck, deslopping, fresh water suppliers, ship-chandling and provisions, agency and husbandry services; we are up to the task – at your designated port.